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Getting Started

Get started by installing the cloud backup package. This package is independent, and does not require the Node React Native SDK in order to use.


$ yarn add @node-fi/cloud-backup


$ npm install @node-fi/cloud-backup


On iOS, iCloud pages are used by default. On Android, google drive is used.

Make sure that iCloud Drive is enabled. For testing and confirmation purposes, it could be helpful to have the iCloud Drive app available.

For iOS, the following lines needed to be added to the info.plist in order to request proper permissions. Replace package-name and app-name with their respective values where appropriate.


Enable iCloud under Capabilities for your build target.

  1. Navigate to your build target in xcode, and then to Signing & Capabilities
  2. Click + Capability in the upper left corner of the window Capability button in upper left corner of xcode
  3. Search for and select iCloud
  4. Scroll down to the iCloud section that should have appeared in the Signing and Capabilities tab
  5. Enable iCloud Documents and (optionally) Key-value storage by clicking on the corresponding check box
  6. Click the + button to add a new container
  7. Title the container iCloud.{app-name}Container name
  8. At the end, your iCloud section of Signing and Capabilities should look like so: End state


Enable Google Drive API:

It's complicated! Here's a video of someone doing a similar thing for the Google Drive API demo.

  • Create a new project for your app (if you don't already have one)
    • Under Credentials, choose Create Credentials > OAth client ID
      • Choose Android and enter a name
      • enter your SHA1 fingerprint (use the keytool to find it, eg: keytool -exportcert -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v)
      • enter your package name (found in your manifest file)
      • copy the OAuth client ID
  • Click Library, choose Drive API and enable it
    • Click Drive UI Integration
      • add the mandatory application icons
      • under Drive integration > Authentication
        • check Automatically show OAuth 2.0 consent screen when users open my application from Google Drive and enter your OAuth client ID
        • enter an Open URL

Add the following to your app/build.gradle in the dependecies section (you can change the version to suit your application):

compile ('') {
force = true;