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Recover a Wallet

Recovering a wallet is very similar to creating one. In fact, the same exact method is used.

Create wallet takes an argument of type WalletCreationOpts, which allows the mnemonic or privateKey to be provided for the wallet.

Learn about wallet registration options and its purpose in Wallet Registration.

import { useCreateWallet } from "@node-fi/react-native-wrapper";

// Recovering a wallet from a seed phrase
const recoverWallet = useCreateWallet();
const mnemonic = "test test test ... test";

recoverWallet({ mnemonic }).then((wallet) => {
// Do something!

// Recovering a wallet from a private key
const recoverWallet = useCreateWallet();
const privateKey = "0xbeefbeefbeefbeef ...";

recoverWallet({ privateKey }).then((wallet) => {
// Do something!

API Breakdown

useWallet: () => (opts: WalletCreationOpts) => Wallet

interface WalletCreationOpts {
defaultGasCurrency?: Address;
mnemonic?: string;
privateKey?: string;
bip39Language?: MnemonicLanguageOption;
registrationOptions: {
optInMetatdata: boolean;
doNotRegister: boolean;

type MnemonicLanguageOption =
| "chinese_simplified"
| "chinese_traditional"
| "czech"
| "english"
| "french"
| "italian"
| "japanese"
| "korean"
| "portuguese"
| "spanish";