📄️ Handling Multiple Wallets
The React Native SDK supports an arbitrary number of wallets at one time.
📄️ Create a Wallet
Wallets are the key to crypto
📄️ Recover a Wallet
Recover a wallet from a mnemonic or private key
📄️ Connect an Ethers.js Signer
Connecting an external signer makes NodeKit composable with the Ethers.js ecosystem
📄️ Connect with Web3Auth
Web3Auth is a well-known MPC wallet provider. This tutorial shows how, in a couple lines of code, you can easily use Web3Auth with Node Kit.
🗃️ Secure Cloud Backup
3 items
📄️ Defer Wallet Load
By default, the React Native SDK will attempt to load the currently active wallet from secure storage if the wallet type is of local. Wallet credentials are stored in local storage by their address.
📄️ Delete Local Wallet
Remove wallet details from secure storage