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Installation - React Native CLI


This documentation refers to a state of our SDK which is currently in alpha. Documentation and sdk functions are subject to change pending developer feedback.

There are two sides to installing the Node React Native SDK into your application:

  1. Configuring your React Native environment for web3 libraries
  2. Actually installing the SDK and SDK peer dependencies

Configure your React Native environment for web3

If you already have an existing web3 mobile app, feel free to skip this section. It is recommended to atleast skim this, however, as this is the trickiest area to get right sometimes.


There are a lot of global modules that exist in the web envioronment that do not exist natively in the React Native environment. A lot of these are heavily depended upon by many web3 libraries, so we need to have a way to replace them.

Luckily, rn-nodeify does just that.

Navigate to your package.json and add the following to your post install script:

rn-nodeify --install 'crypto,buffer,react-native-randombytes,vm,stream,http,https,os,url,fs,process' --hack --yarn

If you would rather use npm, then just omit --yarn from the end.

Checkout the postinstall script in the boilerplate for an example!

Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install dependencies. Use npm or pnpmn instead of yarn if you would rather.

yarn add @ethersproject/shims react-native-udp@4.1.7 \
react-native-tcp-socket react-native-get-random-values \
rn-nodeify react-native-securerandom react-native-fast-crypto \

Add resolution for net

If you are familiar with nodeify, you might have noticed we did not nodeify the net package. This is because the version used by nodeify is intended for React Native versions older than 0.60. We could install the newer verison of react-native-tcp, but react-native-tcp-sockets is much better maintained currently.

Navigate to your package.json, and then find the react-native and browser objects.

Add the following entry to both objects:

"net": "react-native-tcp-socket",

Both your react-native and web objects in the package.json should now look like this

Install the SDK

Install the SDK and React-Native wrapper via your preferred package manager.

yarn add @node-fi/react-native-sdk@alpha @node-fi/react-native-aes@alpha \
react-native-keychain @node-fi/chain-config@0.0.2 \
react-native-aes-crypto react-native-device-info \

For iOS

Polyfill Intl

If you use hermes, then you will also need to polyfill the Intl object for iOS. While newer versions of Hermes contain a semi complete Intl implementation, they lack Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.formatToParts, which is requried by the Node Token library to properly format token amounts.

Install the following polyfills:

yarn add @formatjs/intl-datetimeformat @formatjs/intl-getcanonicallocales \
@formatjs/intl-locale @formatjs/intl-numberformat @formatjs/intl-pluralrules

Inlude the polyfills in your index.js or in a shim file (see here for the shim used in the boilerplate):

if (Platform.OS === "ios" && !!global.HermesInternal) {
// Polyfills required to use Intl with Hermes engine
require("@formatjs/intl-datetimeformat/locale-data/en"); // locale-data for en
require("@formatjs/intl-datetimeformat/add-all-tz"); // Add ALL tz data


Install pods

npx pod-install

For FaceId to work for unlocking wallet credentials, permissions must be added in info.plist for the key NSFaceIDUsageDescription, like so:

<string>Message here</string>

For Android

For Android development, you will need to make sure you have NDK and cMake enabled in android studio. These are required to build react-native-fast-crypto for android.


If you already have a shim file for web3 compatibility, this may not be required. If you encounter any issues while setting up the SDK in your repo, the first recommended action is to look at shims.

See the shim file in the boilerplate

If you use this shim file, it is extremely important to import the shim file in index.js at the top of the file, in order for shims to be properly applied.