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Node Finance Boilerplate


This documentation refers to a state of our SDK which is currently in alpha. Documentation and sdk functions are subject to change pending developer feedback.

Node plans on releasing high-fidelity boilerplate and template apps which leverage our SDKs over the coming months. For now, you can get up and running extremely quickly using our barebones boilerplate.

The barebones boilerplate covers all essential setup and configuration for both the Node Finance SDK as well as interacting with Web3 in a React Native environment. Use the boilerplate either as a quick starting point for your app, or as an example of how to integrate the React Native SDK into your current application.

Find the boilerplate here

Create a Repo with the Boilerplate

Option 1: Via

  1. Navigate to the boilerplate.
  2. Select the green Use this template button above the Github filetree
  3. Select Create a new repository and follow along with github's prompts

Option 2: Via Github cli

This option requires you to have the github command line interface installed. Find documentation for github cli here

Run the following command in your terminal:

gh repo create [<name>] --template [--private | --public | --internal]

Option 3: Via react-native init

This section is coming soon, currently you can get started via github templates as explained above.

Install dependencies

At Node our preferred package manager is yarn, so our examples here use yarn but feel free to use npm or pnpmn. Do note that if you use a different package manager you will want to delete yarn.lock from the existing repo.

yarn install

The postinstall script is set to run rn-nodeify, which provides resolutions for modules missing in the react native environment that are present in web and assumed to be present by most web3 libraries. If you want to modify this script, you can find it at ./scripts/

Setup iOS

It is highly recommended to use a Ruby version manager and install bundler if you will be building for iOS. The boilerplate currently uses Ruby 2.7.6. Refer to the first part of the React Native documentation here to get Ruby and Bundler set up in your system.

Once you have Ruby 2.7.6 set up and Bundler, run the following from the package root:

npx pod-install

Additionally, permission requests have been already added into the info.plist for camera (required for faceid).

These permissions look the following, find them in your info.plist if you wish to change them:

<string>Please give us access to your camera, to complete the verification.</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) Authentication with TouchId or FaceID</string>
<string>Please give us access to your photo library for profile picture or verification</string>

Setup Android

Make sure you have Android studio installed, and that you have enabled both NDK and cMake within Android Studio.

If you are unsure how to do this or what this even means, find the official documentation here

Run the app

Make sure you have followed all of the above steps before running the app.


yarn ios


yarn android