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Verify an Identity

Coming Soon - Email, Twitter, etc

Currently the Node identity service only handles phone numbers. Node is actively working on supporting email and social media handles

An identity is verifed in two steps.

  1. Initialize verification with Node's identity service. The identity service will send a six-digit code via sms to the provided phone number.

  2. The six-digit code is sent back to the Node identity service, and the identity is verified through ASv2

Start Verification

Identity verification is started with a call to startVerification, with the wallet address and phonenumber.

The phone number MUST include country code and area code. Many different phone number formats are accepted.

kit.startVerification("0xbeefbeefbeefbeef ...", "+1 (123) 456-7890");

The return payload will include a verification field with the following properties:

status: 'pending' | 'verified',
unixTimestamp: number

Handling Already Verified Phonenumbers

If the phone number is already mapped to an given address, then the status will be 'verified' and no further action is necessary. startVerification has an optional third parameter force?: boolean, which if true will force an attestation to be initiated for the given phone number, even if the phone number is already attested by a given trusted attestor.

// If already verified, then try again but force the start of attestation

kit.startVerification("0xbeefbeefbeefbeef ...", "+1 (123) 456-7890").then((resp) => {

Complete the verification process

Code Autocomplete

Assign your text field a type of textContentType="oneTimeCode" to trigger auto-complete from the Node identity sms

On a successful attestation initialization, the NodeIdentityKit object will record the phone number and address of the pending attestation. To complete the attestation, simply use


to submit the one time password sent by Node.

If you end up using a different instance of the NodeIdentityKit, then you will also need to provide the address and phonenumber again, in the same format as previously provided.

This would look like:

kit.submitVerification(opt, address, phonenumber);

Here is a full example:

import { NodeIdentityKit } from "@node-fi/identity";

const kit = new NodeIdentityKit("my-api-key");

enum ApprovalState {

function Verification() {
const [state, setState] = useState<ApprovalState>(ApprovalState.INITIAL);
const onSubmitPhonenumber = useCallback(async (phonnumber: string) => {

try {
{ verification: { status } } = await kit.startVerification(address, phonenumber);

if (status === "verified") setState(ApprovalState.ALREADY_VERIFIED);
else setState(ApprovalState.VERIFICATION_START_SUCCESS);

} catch () {
}, []);

const onSubmitOtp = useCallback(async (otp: string | number) => {

try {
await kit.submitVerification(otp)
} catch () {
