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This hook is intended to be directly integrated into frontends, and uses debouncing to limit how often new quotes are fetched.

It returns the following:

type SwapHookReturnShape = {
trade?: {
details: NodeRoute; // Includes information on the token path, pairs going through, etc
output: TokenAmount;
minimumOutput: TokenAmount;
approvalTarget: string; // Target to approve token transfers for
txn: TransactionRequest; // Transaction object to execute the swap
priceImpact: number; // Trade impact on price, in bips
fetchDetails: Omit<ReactQueryReturnShape, "data">;

For parameters, it takes the following:

inputAddressstringYAddress of input token. If undefined, returned object will be null.
outputAddressstringYAddress of output token. If undefined, returned object will be null.
typedAmountstring | numberYDecimal-adjusted amount of input token to trade. This would be a value that is entered into a text field by a user
recipientstringNAddress of recipient of the trade - if undefined will default to current wallet.
optsobjectNOptional object to override debounce time or minima request
queryOptsobjectNOptional object to override react query config


import { useSwapTypedAmount } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"

function SwapComponent() {
const [inputToken, setInputToken] = useState<string>();
const [outputToken setOutputToken] = useState<string>()
const [inputAmount, setInputAmount] = useState<string>()

const tradeDetails = useSwapTypedAmount(inputToken, outputToken, inputAmount)

return (
<TokenSelector onSelectToken={setInputToken}>
<TokeSelector onSelectToken={setOutputToken}>

<TextField label="Input Amount" onChangeText={setInputAmount}>

tradeDetails ? tradeDetails.error
? <Text>{`Error: ${tradeDetails.error}`}</Text>
: <View>
<Text>{`Expected output: ${tradeDetails.output.toFixed(2)} ${tradeDetails.output.token.symbol}`}</Text>
<Button text={`Execute Swap`} onPress={tradeDetails.execute}>
: null


For direct frontend integrations, it is recommended to use useSwapTypedAmount instead. This hook does not debounce the input, so unless another hook is built on top of it, it will make many unnecessary calls to the backend service when a user types in a new trade amount.

This hook can be used to get a live-updated price quote for a given input and output.

It returns the following:

type SwapHookReturnShape = {
trade?: {
details: NodeRoute; // Includes information on the token path, pairs going through, etc
output: TokenAmount;
minimumOutput: TokenAmount;
approvalTarget: string; // Target to approve token transfers for
txn: TransactionRequest; // Transaction object to execute the swap
priceImpact: number; // Bips of impact of trade on price
fetchDetails: Omit<ReactQueryReturnShape, "data">;

It accepts the following as parameters:

inputTokenAmountNInput token and input amount for the trade. If this is not supplied, the hook will return an empty object
outputTokenTokenNToken to be swapped to. If not supplied, returned object will be empty.
recipientstringNAddress of recipient of trade result. If not supplied, will default to current active wallet
optsobjectNOptional object to override debounce time or minima request
queryOptsobjectNOptional object to override react query config


This hook exposes both the current slippage, and a function to change the current slippage.

Slippage is expressed in Bps (1 / 10000)


import { useSetSlippage } from "@node-fi/react-native-sdk"

const convertBipsToFloat = (bips: number) => bips / 100000

function Component() {
const [slippage, setSlippage] = useSetSlippage()

return (
<Text> {`Current Slippage is: %${(convertBipsToFloat(slippage) * 100).toFixed(2)}`}
<Button text={`Set slippage to 1%`} onPress={() => setSlippage(100)}>