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Get Supported Tokens

Get /v1/tokens Route

The /v1/tokens route provides a list of available tokens and their metadata. It also returns a list of sources that provide information about these tokens.

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Input Parameters

excludedSourcesstringSources to exclude when retrieving the token list and metadata.No
includedSourcesstringSources to include when retrieving the token list and metadata.No


sourcesarrayAn array of sources that provide information about tokens.
tokensarrayAn array of token objects containing token metadata.

Each token object in the tokens array contains the following properties:

addressstringThe token contract address.
namestringThe full name of the token.
symbolstringThe token's symbol (ticker).
decimalsnumberThe number of decimal places for the token.
chainIdnumberThe chain ID where the token is available.
logoURIstringThe URL to the token's logo image, if available.

Example Request

Fetch Supported Tokens

curl -X GET ""

Example Response
"sources": ["ubeswap", "curve", "ubeswap-v3"],
"tokens": [
"address": "0x1234567890abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
"name": "Celo Native Token",
"symbol": "CELO",
"decimals": 18,
"chainId": 42220,
"logoURI": ""
"address": "0xabcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123",
"name": "USDC",
"symbol": "USDC",
"decimals": 6,
"chainId": 42220,
"logoURI": ""