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Routing Mechanism


Minima is a trade router designed to help traders navigate multiple exchanges, optimizing their trades by finding the most cost-effective route between a given pair of tokens. Minima's core route-finding algorithm is based heavily on the Bellman-Ford algorithm, a graph-based algorithm traditionally used for finding the shortest path in a weighted directed graph with potential negative weight cycles.

In Minima's context, we represent the trading landscape as a weighted directed graph with the following components:

  • Nodes (N): Tokens.
  • Edges (E): Trade pairs between tokens (i and j) on a specific exchange (x).

It is essential to note that multiple edges can exist between the same pair of tokens, as long as they correspond to different exchanges.

Graph Representation

To represent the trading landscape, we define the graph G(N, E), where N is the set of nodes (tokens) and E is the set of edges (trade pairs). Each edge Eijx is associated with a weight Wijx, which represents the trading cost of the pair (i, j) on exchange x. The weight can be derived from factors such as price, liquidity, and fees.

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

The Bellman-Ford algorithm is used to find the shortest path between a source node and all other nodes in the graph. The algorithm is designed to handle negative weight cycles, making it well-suited for Minima's trade routing problem.

Here is a high-level overview of the algorithm:

  1. Initialize all node distances to infinity, except for the source node, which has a distance of 0.
  2. Relax all edges |V|-1 times, where |V| is the number of vertices in the graph. Relaxing an edge means updating the distance to the destination node if a shorter path is found.
  3. Check for negative weight cycles by relaxing all edges one more time. If any distance is updated, it indicates a negative weight cycle.

Implementation in Minima

Minima utilizes the Bellman-Ford algorithm to find the most cost-effective trading route between tokens in the graph. The algorithm is applied with slight modifications to accommodate trading-specific factors such as slippage and fees.

To execute a trade between tokens i and j, Minima performs the following steps:

  1. Construct the graph G(N, E) using the current market data from multiple exchanges.
  2. Choose the token i as the source node.
  3. Run the Bellman-Ford algorithm to find the shortest path from i to all other nodes.
  4. Identify the shortest path from i to j.
  5. Execute the trade along the identified path, considering slippage and fees.

By leveraging the Bellman-Ford algorithm, Minima can efficiently route trades across multiple exchanges, ensuring optimal execution and minimizing trading costs.


For smaller trade graphs, or on chains where Minima does not get enough use to be constantly running, routes are calculated by a simple BFS with pruning algorithm. In this algorithm, a branch in the search tree is pruned if it yields less of a specific token than another branch.