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Yield Farms

The YieldFarm class represents a yield farming position, where users can earn rewards for providing liquidity to a liquidity pool. This class extends the DepositablePosition class, which provides methods for depositing and withdrawing from the farming opportunity.


_aprnumberThe annual percentage yield of the farm.
_farmType"LG3" | "SNX"The type of yield farm.
_idnumberThe identifier of the farm.
_chainIdChainIdThe chain identifier of the farm.
_protocolstringThe protocol of the farm.
_underlyingToken[] | string[]The underlying tokens of the farm.
_tvlnumberThe total value locked in the farm.
_valueOfDepositnumberThe value of the user's deposit in local currency.
_totalDepositedTokenAmountThe total amount deposited in the farm.
_walletDepositedTokenAmountThe amount of the user's deposit in the farm.
_namestringThe name of the farm.

Claiming Tokens

Yield farms usually pay out interest in the form of reward tokens. Claiming reward tokens can look different depending on the underling contract. Luckily, the YieldFarm class standardizes querying for and claiming pending reward tokens.


Fetch claimable tokens for a given farm. Optionally request the required transactions to claim tokens, and/or lookup for a different wallet.


includeTransactionboolean(Optional) If true, will include a TransactionStep to claim tokens from the farm.
addressOverrideAddress(optional) Override the address of the attached signer.


The response is a Promise that resolves to information on the claimable tokens, including

  • amount
  • token
  • total claimable value in local currency

If includeTransaction is true, then the response will also include a TransactionStep object that has a description, transaction, and execution function.

The actual shape looks like:

execute?: TransactionStep;
token: string[];
amount: number[];
valueInLocalCurrency: number;

Fetch Yield Farms

Yield farms and their indexed data can be fetched from the Node wallet API, using the function getManyFarms or getFarmById.


Retrieve a list of yield farms that match the specified filters.


  • filters (optional): An object containing filter criteria for the farms to retrieve.
  • signer (optional): An ethers.Signer instance that will be used to sign the request to the API if a wallet is not provided.

Return value

An object containing the following properties:

  • pagination: An object containing information about the pagination of the returned results.
    • currentPage: The current page of results.
    • totalPages: The total number of pages of results.
    • perPage: The number of results per page.
    • total: The total number of results.
  • farms: An array of YieldFarm objects representing the farms that match the specified filters.


const { pagination, farms } = await getManyFarms({
chainId: "mainnet",
depositTokenFilter: {
symbol: "USDT",
underlyingTokenFilter: {
symbol: "ETH",
orderBy: "apr",
order: "desc",
page: 2,
perPage: 25,

"Page 2 of farms with a deposit token of USDT and an underlying token of ETH, sorted by APR in descending order:",


Fetches a yield farm by its ID.


idnumber or stringThe ID of the yield farm to fetch.
signerSigner or Wallet(optional) The signer object or wallet to use for signing the transaction.


A promise that resolves to a YieldFarm object.


Retrieve a list of yield farms where you have a non-zero balance


walletWalletThe wallet to fetch deposits for.
filterYieldFarmFilter(optional) The object specifying how to filter yield farms.

Return value

An object containing the following properties:

  • pagination: An object containing information about the pagination of the returned results.
    • currentPage: The current page of results.
    • totalPages: The total number of pages of results.
    • perPage: The number of results per page.
    • total: The total number of results.
  • farms: An array of YieldFarm objects attached to wallet, where each farm the wallet has a nonzero balance


Retrieve the total claimable tokens for a wallet, and (optionally) the transactions required to claim the tokens.


addressOrIdstring, numberAddress or numerical id of wallet.
includeTransactionboolean(optional) If true, response will include formatted transactions to claim tokens.
filterYieldFarmFilter(optional) The object specifying how to filter yield farms.


The response is a JSON object with the following shape:

totals: {
totalValueInLocalCurrency: number;
perToken: {
[address: string]: {
amount: number;
valueInLocalCurrency: number;
transactions: TransactionConfig[]
  • totals: An object containing information about the total value of the claimable tokens.
    • totalValueInLocalCurrency: The total value of the claimable tokens in local currency.
    • perToken: An object containing information about the claimable amount and value for each token.
      • [address]: An object for each token, where address is the address of the token.
        • amount: The claimable amount of the token.
        • valueInLocalCurrency: The value of the claimable amount in local currency.
  • transactions (optional): An array of transaction configurations, which will only be included if the includeTransaction query parameter is provided. Each transaction configuration includes information about the transaction needed to be executed to claim tokens. Each entry in the array just has to be signed and submitted to claim the tokens.